Cornerstone is 6 years in the making, and is a mature platform serving up more than 10M pageviews every month. Cornerstone is built to handle the toughest business challenges that Churches and missions face, and media is part of this. The way that Cornerstone handles text, images, galleries, video, audio, forms, calendars etc makes Cornerstone a stellar content management system that runs circles around most competitors. But Cornerstone is so much more than a CMS. Cornerstone can be used to build intranets, social networks, fundraising portals, shops, intricate member care systems and more - without a single line of code. Everything is done though our simple, yet versatile drag&drop interface.

Through Cornerstone, we serve up solutions for as distinguished clients as the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, Campus Crusade for Christ and Christianity Today Magazine, as well as numerous missions, denominations and Churches all across the globe. We have an expanding network of resellers and consultants that can help you with YOUR Cornerstone solution.

Did you know ?
Calendar events
Remember that Calendar module records are very short. If you want a longer version of an event description you can always attach an article to a specific event. It can be a news article from your news feed or just a special article you wrote to make a story about what is gonna happen.
Powered by Cornerstone